Monthly Archives: March 2019

Bone grafting and wisdom tooth removal

Will You Need Bone Grafting After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

After wisdom teeth removal, bone grafting is uncommon, but not out of the question. For certain patients, grafting is advisable.

Fortunately, having a bone graft after wisdom teeth removal is a simple, painless procedure performed in your oral surgeon’s office.

Bone grafting and wisdom tooth removal

Bone Grafting and Wisdom Teeth

Oral surgeons commonly recommend bone grafting after tooth extraction. The procedure helps preserve jawbone density, which is of particular importance for patients who plan to get dental implants. Implanted teeth require a strong, stable foundation, and that’s often best achieved with a bone graft.

But few patients replace their wisdom teeth with dental implants. For most, it’s not even an option, as the third molars must be removed to preserve oral health and protect the smile.

Why Some Wisdom Teeth Removal Patients Need Bone Grafting

In certain circumstances, grafting is indicated after third molar extraction to provide neighboring second molars with adequate jawbone support.

Sometimes, an impacted wisdom tooth grows horizontally and causes substantial jawbone loss near the adjacent teeth. And in rare cases, cysts can form in the third molar area and destroy much of the surrounding bone.

If either of these situations applies to you, your oral surgeon may recommend grafting to rebuild the jawbone and avoid future tooth loss.

Why Bone Grafting Shouldn’t Be a Major Concern

Bone grafting may sound scary, but the procedure is actually quite simple and quick. Plus, it’s painless — and getting a graft doesn’t have much of an effect on recovery from wisdom tooth extraction.

You may have heard that a graft requires bone tissue harvested from your body. That’s one option, but oral surgeons often use human bone from a tissue bank, biocompatible bovine or porcine bone and synthetic graft material. All these are safe, with only the slightest risk of complications. Problems during the procedure or afterward are rare.

At Richmond Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, our highly skilled oral surgeons, Dr. Partridge and Dr. Alderman, offer expert care with a friendly, compassionate touch. We care about our patients, and our treatment team will do everything possible to help you feel comfortable for your procedure.

You’ll be in good hands at Richmond Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Contact us to schedule a wisdom tooth removal consultation today.

How to choose a dental implant surgeon

Questions to Ask Potential Dental Implant Surgeons

Your choice of dental implant surgeons can make a world of difference in the quality of your care. Fortunately, this decision is entirely in your hands.

Friends, family or your regular dentist may recommend a particular implant specialist, but it’s up to you to make sure the surgeon you select is up to the task. Otherwise, you could be putting your smile and your oral health at risk.

When you visit a dental implant surgeon for a consultation, never hesitate to ask questions that will help determine if they’re the right professional for your procedure. And don’t be shy, as reputable surgeons are always willing to share information regarding their expertise.

How to choose a dental implant surgeon

Ask if They Are Qualified to Perform Dental Implant Surgery

Successful tooth restoration requires extensive education and training.

Make sure your surgeon has a degree from an accredited dental school as well as an additional four to six years of advanced training in oral surgery and anesthesia. Ask about ongoing education, too, as it’s important for implant specialists to keep up with the latest techniques and procedures.

Ask How Much Experience They Have with Dental Implant Surgery

Experience in implant surgery is just as important as proper training and education.

Every tooth restoration presents unique challenges. In many cases, surgery is relatively simple, but there’s always the possibility of a complication. And some patients require complex procedures that are difficult to complete. So it’s best to steer clear of surgeons who haven’t placed many implants.

Ask if They Belong to Any Professional Industry Organizations

Membership in professional organizations is a definite plus, as industry associations hold surgeons to the highest standards of care.

Look for a dental implant surgeon who belongs to the leading industry organizations. These include the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, the American Dental Association, the National Dental Board of Anesthesiology and the Indiana Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.

Ask About Their Payment Options for Dental Implant Surgery

Implant surgery is an investment, but paying for it doesn’t have to put you in a financial bind.

Chances are, you’ll have to cover most of the cost out of pocket, as insurance companies tend to view implants as elective aesthetic improvements. But some surgeons, including the team at Richmond Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, offer affordable payment plans. This makes budgeting for tooth restoration much easier.

Are you looking for a well-qualified and highly skilled dental implant surgeon in the greater east central Indiana area? The board-certified professionals at Richmond Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery can meet your needs.

As implant specialists with over a decade of experience, Dr. Partridge and Dr. Alderman will take good care of your grin — and with us, you can count on a comfortable experience. Patients throughout the greater east central Indiana area trust their smiles to Richmond Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and you can, too. Contact us and schedule a dental implant surgeon consultation today.