Monthly Archives: July 2019

How old should you be to have wisdom teeth removed

What Is the Right Age for Wisdom Teeth Removal?

If you’re in pain or have swelling in the third molar area, wisdom teeth removal is most likely in your very near future.

But what if your wisdom teeth aren’t bothering you at the moment? When should you have them removed? Or do you even need to consider wisdom tooth extraction?

Your oral surgeon is your best source for answers to those questions, as your dental anatomy and oral health are the deciding factors. However, for most patients, proactive wisdom teeth removal is recommended.

How old should you be to have wisdom teeth removed

The Optimal Age to Remove the Wisdom Teeth

The wisdom teeth, or third molars, typically erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. And as a general rule, that time period is ideal for removal.

Oral surgeons prefer to perform wisdom tooth extraction when about two-thirds of the roots have formed. At this stage, removing the third molars is easier – and so is the recovery. After the roots have fully developed, patients have a greater risk of complications both during and after the extraction procedure.

Plan Wisdom Teeth Removal to Fit Your Schedule

If your oral surgeon determines that your third molars need to be removed, you won’t want to wait too long – but you should aim to schedule the procedure at a convenient time.

Most patients need a few days to rest and heal, but the recovery period for complex procedures can be a week or longer. For that reason, scheduling wisdom tooth extraction during the summer or an extended holiday break may be best. If you’re working, try to time the procedure when you can take a few days off.

Keep in mind that you will need to avoid strenuous activity, heavy lifting and sports when you’re healing from wisdom tooth extraction. Plan ahead and modify your usual routine to allow yourself enough time to recover well.

Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Always Necessary?

For some lucky people, the third molars emerge in the perfect position without a problem – and in those cases, extraction may not be essential.

However, oral surgeons usually advise on proactive wisdom tooth extraction to reduce the odds of future oral health issues. When the third molars are left in place, a host of problems can occur. The teeth may partially erupt or grow in crooked, giving rise to tooth misalignment. In addition, their positioning may make cleaning more difficult, which increases the chance of infection, gum disease and tooth decay. Some patients also develop an oral cyst in the jawbone, which can lead to a tooth abscess or damage to the teeth, nerves and bone tissues.

Is now the right time for your wisdom tooth extraction? If you live in the greater east central Indiana area, the professional team at Richmond Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery can give you an answer.

Dr. Partridge and Dr. Alderman, our board-certified oral surgeons, specialize in third molar management and can offer expert advice on the best course of action to ensure your ongoing oral health. Contact Richmond Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and schedule a consultation and evaluation for wisdom teeth removal today.

Oral surgery anesthesia

Understanding Your Anesthesia Options for Oral Surgery

Are you anxious about your upcoming oral surgery? Anesthesia can ensure you have a positive experience and a comfortable, pain-free procedure.

Whether you’re coming in to Richmond Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for wisdom teeth removal, dental implant placement or a more complex surgical procedure, our professional team will discuss anesthesia and determine the best approach to meet your needs.

Oral surgery anesthesia

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthetic is a numbing medication that oral surgeons administer directly at the surgical site. The medicine works to eliminate sensation and pain in the area, so it can enough for simple, minimally-invasive procedures. However, many patients opt to use local anesthetic with a second form of anesthesia.

Oral Sedation

Anti-anxiety medication, take in pill form before oral surgery, allows patients to feel relaxed, drowsy and worry-free during a procedure. Under this form of anesthesia, time passes quickly, yet patients are awake and can respond to the surgical team.

Laughing Gas

An inhaled form of sedation, laughing gas brings about feelings of contentment and euphoria while also altering the perception of pain. Also called nitrous oxide, this anesthesia doesn’t induce unconsciousness, but it helps patients remain calm, relaxed and ready for their procedures.

IV Sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation, or “twilight sleep,” enables patients to be completely unaware of their surgical procedures. The medication, administered through an IV, doesn’t actually render patients unconscious, but most report feeling as if they slept through the entire oral surgery experience.

General Anesthesia

Under general anesthesia, patients are completely unconscious and oral surgeons must continually monitor their cardiovascular and respiratory functions. Due the additional risks this form of anesthesia presents, procedures often need to be completed at a local surgical center or hospital.

Deciding on Oral Surgery Anesthesia

When it comes to choosing anesthesia, safety is the primary concern. IV sedation and general anesthesia may be off the table for patients with chronic health conditions. And for anyone who takes prescription medication, surgeons must consider potential drug interactions.

After safety, patient comfort is the goal. At Richmond Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, we always ask patients for input on anesthesia. And in many cases, patients can choose their own method of oral surgery anesthesia.

Rest assured, the Richmond Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery team will take every possible step to make sure you have a safe, comfortable and pain-free procedure. Our oral surgeons, Dr. Partridge and Dr. Alderman, have the training, experience and qualifications to safely administer all forms of anesthesia, and our friendly staff will help put your mind at ease.

For expert care in Wayne Township, Wayne County or the greater east central Indiana area, turn to Richmond Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Contact us and schedule a consultation to explore your oral surgery anesthesia options today.